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COVID19 Measures

Hotel Ambassador

At Hotel Ambassador we take your safety, wellbeing and comfort very seriously, as well as that of the people who form part of our team. 

For us, you are the most important thing. That is why, in order to make your holidays safe and memorable, we have implemented a Safety Protocol in which we set out all the actions we carry out and which guarantee compliance with the highest standards of quality and hygiene. This protocol has been drawn up following the recommendations of the WHO (World Health Organisation) and the Spanish Ministry of Health, but, in some cases, we have gone beyond the recommendations and have implemented additional measures that we know will improve your wellbeing so that you can enjoy your holiday to the maximum and in complete safety.

The entire Hotel team ensures that guests, staff, employees and suppliers respect the capacity limits and maintain a social distance of at least 1.5 metres between members of different family units.

For this reason:

  • There are signs about the permitted capacity, safety distance, traffic flow, obligatory use of hydroalcoholic gel, obligatory use of masks, etc. that must be respected.

The reception is the heart of our hotel and the main transit area for all guests. For this reason, the following measures have been implemented:

  • Installation of disinfectant mats at the entrance.
  • Installation of information screens with the measures that all guests must comply with during their stay.
  • Installation of thermographic cameras for temperature control and queue management.
  • Automatic gel dispensers for hand disinfection.
  • Use of a mobile application so that guests can check in online.
  • Mobile access to the room via an app.
  • Vinyl markers on the floor and screens at the counters to ensure the correct social distance.

We have implemented the following measures in the restaurant:

  • Installation of a capacity control system using cameras and screens that inform the guest of the permitted capacity and the current capacity. In this way we control queues and access at all times.
  • Automatic hydroalcoholic gel dispensers at the entrance for compulsory use both at the entrance and exit.
  • Redistribution of tables to respect the 2-metre distance.
  • Cleaning and disinfection of tables and chairs before each use.
  • Buffet assisted by our buffetiers and with partitions to increase safety.
  • Extended opening hours to provide the best service with more security.
  • Waiting room and buffet staff equipped with hygienic masks and gloves.

The following protocol has been adopted for the rooms:

  • Cleaning and sanitising is carried out with disinfectant products approved by the Health Department.
  • The chambermaids will not enter the rooms with clients in them.
  • Bed linen and towels are washed at a temperature higher than 60ºc.
  • Towels are delivered bagged and used linen is removed in sealed bags.
  • Rotation in the use of the rooms with an interval of 3 days after the departure of the clients.
  • Removal of items that are difficult to clean and disinfect to ensure disinfection.

The following security measures are implemented in the communal areas:

  • High frequency of disinfection and cleaning of common areas, surfaces and furniture, reinforcing areas and zones of high traffic such as lifts and corridors.
  • Automatic gel dispensers for hand disinfection.
  • Capacity control in these areas by means of cameras. The capacity level is shown in real time on screens installed in these areas so that the limit is not exceeded.
  • Installation of new technology in the lifts that facilitates their use without touching the button panels.

The following measures have been implemented in the pool area:

  • We have doubled the pH and water quality controls.
  • Continuous purification circuits for 24 hours with 10% daily water renewal (as required by law).
  • We maintain chlorine at the highest levels within the limits established by the standard.
  • The frequency of cleaning and disinfection of peripheral facilities will be every hour in the SPA and 2 hours in the swimming pool.
  • Hammocks spaced 2 m apart and disinfection after use.

We have adopted the following safety and hygiene measures in our bars:

  • Reduction and control of capacity in these areas by means of cameras, in addition, the capacity level is shown on screens in real time so that the limit is not exceeded.
  • Cleaning and disinfection of tables and chairs before being used again.
  • Consultation of the menu directly at the bar or via a QR code.
  • Vinyl markers on the floor to respect the safe distance of 2 m.
  • Encourage payment of drinks by card.

The maintenance department has taken the following measures:

  • Cleaning and disinfection of air-conditioning units in both rooms and common areas and increased frequency of cleaning of air filters.
  • Increasing the air renewal rate by avoiding indoor recirculation.
  • Daily checking and recording of dishwasher and washing machine temperatures to ensure maximum disinfection.
  • The staff receives continuous training on the new protocols, with a permanent update on the new scenario in order to ensure the well-being of our guests.

Since 20th April 2022 wear face mask for clients and staff  when moving around the common areas of the hotel is not mandatory. 

Important note: The measures in this document are subject to change as new scenarios evolve and new regulations are introduced.

10% discount on bookings of 7 nights or more

Applicable in any our hotels